1‏/5‏/2020 - 1‏/6‏/2020

How to mock HttpClient-C#

What is Mock? Mocking is a process when writing the unit test case for the unit with an external dependency like a Network request or d...

santosh 31 مايو, 2020

Configure Custom Default Page in ASP.NET Core Razor Page

Razor is an ASP.NET programming syntax used to create dynamic web pages with the C# or VB.NET programming languages. Razor was in dev...

santosh 28 مايو, 2020

Logging Made Easy: Using Serilog in ASP.NET Core Web API

Introduction This blog post will guide you through the process of configuring Serilog in an ASP.NET Core application. Logging is an essen...

santosh 24 مايو, 2020

.NET/C# Interview Questions - SET 2

Difference between Overloading and Overriding ? What is CLR (Common Language Runtime? What is CTS (Common Type System) What are the ...

santosh 23 مايو, 2020

Avoiding Language Keyword Conflicts-C#

If you really want to use an identifier that clashes with a keyword, you can qualify it with the @ prefix. For instance: class class ...

santosh 23 مايو, 2020

.NET/C# Interview Questions - SET 1

How do I calculate an MD5 hash from a string ? What is the difference between const and static read-only What is a static constru...

santosh 16 مايو, 2020

C# string Reverse extension method

This post is a simple, fun example. In this post, I will show you a neat trick about LINQ. You have to reverse a given sentence using L...

santosh 11 مايو, 2020

Command Design Pattern

What is a design pattern Design pattern is occurring solution to the problem that occurs during software design. In this article, we...

santosh 11 مايو, 2020

Adapter pattern C# real world example

What is Design Pattern? A design pattern is a general recurring solution to a commonly occurring problem in software design. In this...

santosh 10 مايو, 2020

Preview selected image using HTML5

Before HTML 5 showing the preview of the image was a very expensive operation because the website makes a service call to get the image....

santosh 9 مايو, 2020

How to invoke REST endpoint from Visual Studio Code

VS Code (Visual Studio Code) is a free editor from Microsoft, which is very popular nowadays. Visual studio code supports almost all lan...

santosh 8 مايو, 2020

How to convert array of string to array of integer using LINQ

LINQ (Language integrated query) is a compelling feature of c#. By using LINQ, we can simplify the code very easily in fewer lines of co...

santosh 8 مايو, 2020