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Understanding useImperativeHandle: A Powerful React Hook

React’s useImperativeHandle hook is a powerful tool that allows developers to fine-tune the properties and methods exposed by a child com...

santosh 25 يناير, 2022

Conditional Styling in React JS

Styling in React applications is a crucial aspect of creating visually appealing and dynamic user interfaces. There are scenarios where you...

santosh 22 يناير, 2022

How to use React useRef Hook

React provides a powerful hook called useRef that allows you to interact with the DOM directly and persist values across renders without tr...

santosh 22 يناير, 2022

How to convert Promise to Observable in Angular?

How to convert Promise to Observable in Angular? Angular, a popular JavaScript framework for building web applications, relies on Observa...

santosh 16 يناير, 2022

How to measure time taken by a function to execute

In this post, I will show you how to measure the execution time of any function in Javascript. Javascript console api have two function...

santosh 14 يناير, 2022

Create Compiler In C# Using ANTLR-Crash Course

Unless it is a hobby project, the vast majority of programmers should avoid writing their own compiler. You should write your own compile...

santosh 14 يناير, 2022