7/1/21 - 8/1/21

Measure The Performance Of Your .NET Code Using BenchmarkDotNet

As developers, we are sometimes challenged with making a specific piece of code run quicker. We frequently need to pick which piece of code...

santosh 28 Jul, 2021

Encrypt and Decrypt a String in C# Using Asymmetric Encryption

In .NET, there are two classes available for asymmetric encryption: RSACryptoServiceProvider and DSACryptoServiceProvider . These classes...

santosh 18 Jul, 2021

C# Program To Print All the IP Addresses of the Given Website

In this code snippet, I will show you how to print all the IPV4 addresses of any website using C#. For this, you have to call the static me...

santosh 17 Jul, 2021

OpenSSL Essentials- Encrypting and decrypting files with OpenSSL

Generate Random Data Generate Hash of a file Symmetric Encryption using OpenSSL Asymmetric encryption using OpenSSL Check certifica...

santosh 17 Jul, 2021

JavaScript Prototype Inheritance

In this article, I will show you how to implement inheritance in javascript. To understand the inheritance, let's get familiar with som...

santosh 5 Jul, 2021

Testing vanilla JavaScript with Jest

If you want to learn how to write javascript tests with jest, this book is for you. In this book, you’ll find real-world examples of jest t...

santosh 3 Jul, 2021

Branching and Short-Circuiting Request in ASP.NET Core

Request pipeline middleware .Run() .Use() .Map() Steps To Create MiddleWare Map Conditonaly Add MiddleWare using Map In th...

santosh 3 Jul, 2021

Working with SecureString in .NET applications : Protecting Sensitive Data

In C#, it’s crucial to handle sensitive data securely to prevent unauthorized access or exposure. One such security feature provided by...

santosh 2 Jul, 2021