1‏/6‏/2020 - 1‏/7‏/2020

Angular Components Interaction Methods- Exploring Different Approaches

In Angular applications, efficient communication between components is crucial for building modular and maintainable code. This blog post ...

santosh 13 يونيو, 2020

What is Automapper in C# and How to Use It with real world example

Simplify Object-to-Object Mapping with AutoMapper in C# Mapping objects between different data models or transferring data from one object...

santosh 8 يونيو, 2020

The Null-Coalescing Operator in C#

This is a new feature of c# 2.0. The null coalescing operator is a shortcut for checking if a value is null and, if so, returning the value...

santosh 5 يونيو, 2020

Demystifying OAuth: Secure Authorization for API Integrations

OAuth (Open Authorization) OAuth (Open Authorization) is an open standard protocol that allows secure authorization and authentication of...

santosh 5 يونيو, 2020