Angular Components Interaction Methods- Exploring Different Approaches

In Angular applications, efficient communication between components is crucial for building modular and maintainable code. This blog post will explore various ways to achieve effective communication between Angular components, including parent-child communication, sibling communication, and cross-component communication. We’ll discuss each approach, showcase real-world examples, and examine their strengths and use cases.

Parent-Child Component Communication

Parent-child component communication is a common scenario in Angular, where components are nested within each other. Angular provides several techniques to facilitate communication between parent and child components.

Input and Output Properties:

Using input and output properties, we can pass data from a parent component to a child component and receive event notifications from the child component back to the parent. This communication occurs through property binding and event binding, respectively.

// Parent Component
<app-child [inputData]="parentData" (outputEvent)="handleEvent($event)"></app-child>

// Child Component
@Input() inputData: any;
@Output() outputEvent: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter<any>();` 
input data
output event
Parent Component
Child Component

ViewChild and ViewChildren:

ViewChild and ViewChildren decorators allow a parent component to access child components and interact with their properties and methods directly.

// Parent Component
@ViewChild(ChildComponent) childComponent: ChildComponent;

// Access child component's properties and methods
ngAfterViewInit() {

// Child Component` 
Parent Component
Child Component

Sibling Component Communication

Sibling component communication involves components that share the same parent but are not directly related. Achieving communication between sibling components can be challenging, but there are ways to overcome this limitation.

Shared Service:

A shared service acts as a mediator between sibling components. By injecting the shared service into each component, they can communicate and share data through the service.

// Shared Service
export class DataService {
  private dataSubject = new Subject<string>();
  data$: Observable<string> = this.dataSubject.asObservable();

  sendData(data: string) {;
// Sibling Component A
data: string;

constructor(private dataService: DataService) {$.subscribe((data) => { = data;
// Sibling Component B
sendDataToSibling() {
  this.dataService.sendData('Hello from sibling B!');
Shared Service
Sibling Component A
Sibling Component B

Cross-Component Communication

In certain scenarios, components that are not directly related or connected need to communicate. Angular provides different approaches to enable cross-component communication.

Event Emitters and Event Buses:

Components can use event emitters and event buses to publish and subscribe to events. This allows communication between unrelated components throughout the application.

State Management Libraries:

Using state management libraries like NgRx or Redux can centralize and manage the application state, enabling communication and data sharing between components, regardless of their relationship.

Shared Service
Event Emitters/Event Buses
State Management Library
Parent Component
Child Component
Parent Component
Child Component
Sibling Component A
Sibling Component B
Component A
Component B
Component A
Component B


Effective communication between Angular components is crucial for building modular and maintainable applications. By understanding and utilizing different communication approaches such as parent-child communication, sibling communication, and cross-component communication, developers can create flexible and interconnected components.

By leveraging input/output properties, ViewChild/ViewChildren, shared services, event emitters, event buses, and state management libraries, developers can implement the most suitable communication strategy based on the specific requirements of their application.

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