Showing posts from August, 2010

CASE Statement Equivalent in LINQ

In this post, I am going to show you how to apply Left outer join in Linq to SQL. Imagine that we want to apply left outer join in Products and Categories table in Northwind database Something like this: SELECT [ t1 ] . [ C…

Linq and Sql "where in" Operator

This post will show you how to generate the  " where in " clause in Linq to SQL. Imagine that we want to select rows from the Products table in the Northwind database where ProductId matches 3,4, 10. Our query shoul…

How to use JQuery fullcalender in

This snippet will show how how to use Jquery full calendar in Open Microsoft Visual Studio. NET. In Visual C# .NET, create a new website named Fullcalender.Add following code to Default.aspx page. < %@ Page L…

Linq and Reflection

This snippet will show how LINQ can be used with reflection to retrieve specific metadata about the type that match a specified search criterion using System ; using System . Collections . Generic ; using System . Linq …

How to extract number from string using Linq

Imagine you have a s tring("ABCDE99F-J74-12-89A") and,  you want to extract the only number from the string. This snippet will show how to extract number from string. using System ; using System . Collections . Ge…

How to apply Left Outer join in Linq to Sql

Applying Left Outer Join in LINQ to SQL In this post, I will demonstrate how to apply a left outer join in LINQ to SQL using the example of joining the “Products” and “Categories” tables in the Northwind database. Imagine that…

How to use flag Enum in

Imagine we have a User class, and one of the user properties is Permission. The Permission enum can be defined as follows: enum Permission { None = 0 , Read = 2 , Write = 4 , ReadWrite = 8 , All = Int16 . Max…

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