How do I loop through all the controls in a form?

There are various reasons a person may want to loop through the controls on a Form, perhaps to set a standard colour or to validate custom business rules. This kind of thing is not hard to do, but the logic is not entirely intuitive unless you know a few details. You might already know that every Form has a Controls collection. From that, you might assume that you can simply loop through this collection to do what you need to all the controls in your form. You’d be wrong. A state is a complex tree of controls, and many controls can contain collections of controls themselves, such as a Panel and a Table. In fact, a form itself is nothing more than a fancy Control. (It inherits from and extends the Control class.) Since each tree branch can itself have N child branches, the only efficient solution is recursion. A recursive function is a function that calls itself as many times as necessary to work through any kind of hierarchical structure. The following function uses recursion to loop through all the controls in a Form and sets the BackColor of all TextBoxes to the specified value. The function works with both Web Forms and Windows Forms.

private void SetTextBoxBackColor(Control Page, Color clr)
	foreach (Control ctrl in Page.Controls)
		if (ctrl is TextBox)
			((TextBox)(ctrl)).BackColor = clr;
			if (ctrl.Controls.Count > 0)
				SetTextBoxBackColor(ctrl, clr);




The function in can be called from pretty much anywhere in your code-behind file (or Windows Forms class) with a simple line such as this:

SetTextBoxBackColor(this, Color.Red); //C#

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