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JavaScript keycode constants and their values

In this blog post, I will show how to get the value of keycode using a simple javascript code. Apart from this, I will also provide the ...

santosh 16 يناير, 2008

Invoke button click event from javascript in asp.net

In this blog post, I will show you how to trigger button click events from javascript. To understand The problem let’s create a simple p...

santosh 16 يناير, 2008

How TO Add copy to clipboard Button On Page

This article will show you how to copy text to the clipboard without using any third-party library. < html > < head > ...

santosh 16 يناير, 2008

Easily Convert ArrayList To DataSet in ASP.NET

In this article, I will show you a simple trick for converting ArrayList to DataSet or DataTable so that I can filter or make a sele...

santosh 8 يناير, 2008

How To Get Html Page Source using C#

When working with web scraping or content analysis, it’s essential to fetch the HTML content of a webpage. In this blog post, we’ll explore...

santosh 5 يناير, 2008

Convert Host Name to IP Address or Find IP address of a host -C#

You have a string representation of a host (such as www.google.com ), and you need to obtain the IP address from this hostname. using ...

santosh 5 يناير, 2008

How To Get Information for All Drives on a System

Your application needs to know if a drive (HDD, CD drive, DVD drive, etc.) is available and ready to be written to and/or read from. Additi...

santosh 5 يناير, 2008

How To Fill Dropdownlist With XML in ASP.NET

This article will see how we can populate a DropDownList control with an XML file as a source. Our XML file looks something like below, whi...

santosh 5 يناير, 2008

How To Generate Random Image Using HttpHandler in ASP.NET

How to construct an image generator used to create a visual security code that helps prevent automated sign-ups in your web applications...

santosh 4 يناير, 2008

How To Validate Checkboxlist control in ASP.NET

< %@ Page Language = " C# " AutoEventWireup = " true " CodeFile = " ValidateCheckBoxList.aspx.cs " ...

santosh 4 يناير, 2008

How To Block IP Addresses from your website using ASP.NET

To block an IP address from your web application we used a HttpModule that could be reused in any ASP.NET application. When an IP addres...

santosh 4 يناير, 2008

How To Compress and Decompress Strings in C#

It would help if you could compress the data you write to a file using one of the stream-based classes. In addition, you need a way to d...

santosh 4 يناير, 2008

ASP.NET: Seeing What is in the ViewState in ASP.NET Web Forms

Have you ever wondered what is actually encoded in the __VIEWSTATE hidden variable on your WebForms? It’s actually a base64 serialized e...

santosh 4 يناير, 2008