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Marker Interfaces in C#

Introduction Marker interfaces, also known as tagging interfaces, are interfaces that do not contain any method or property declarations. ...

santosh 7 مايو, 2023

How to detect @input value changes in Angular

Angular provides several mechanisms to detect changes in a component. One common scenario is detecting changes to @Input bindings, which ...

santosh 5 مايو, 2023

Why List Size Matters in C# Applications?

Do you know that List<T> accepts size parameter and its impact the performance? Yes, the size of a List<T> can impact perfor...

santosh 4 مايو, 2023

How to implement Parallel Quick Sort in C#

Parallel Quick Sort in C# Quick Sort is a popular sorting algorithm that is commonly used due to its performance and simplicity. However, ...

santosh 4 مايو, 2023