How can I use async with foreach in C#

Await the foreach Loop in C#

In this blog post, we will explore how to await the foreach loop in C# using the new async foreach feature introduced in C# 8. This feature allows us to iterate over an asynchronous sequence of items using the await operator, making it easier to work with asynchronous data streams. We will also discuss the advantages of using a regular foreach loop over the async foreach loop.

Introduction to async foreach in C#

Starting from C# 8, we have the ability to use the async foreach loop in our code. To utilize this feature, the method we are iterating over must return an IAsyncEnumerable<T> interface. This allows us to asynchronously iterate over a sequence of items and perform operations on each item as it becomes available.

Example: Requesting Data from the JsonPlaceHolder API

Let’s understand the async foreach loop with an example. In the following code snippet, we make requests to the JsonPlaceHolder API. Instead of preparing the data in advance, we immediately return the data using the C# state machine operator yield:

public async IAsyncEnumerable<string> GetPostAsync()
	using var httpClient = new HttpClient()
		BaseAddress = new Uri("")

	for (int i = 1; i < 100; i++)

		var data = await httpClient.GetStringAsync(i.ToString());
		yield return data;


In the code above, the GetPostAsync method returns an IAsyncEnumerable<string>, allowing us to asynchronously iterate over the data obtained from the JsonPlaceHolder API.

How to Use the async foreach Loop

To use the async foreach loop, we can write a regular foreach loop and prefix it with the await operator:

async void Main()

	await foreach (var item in GetPostAsync())

In the code snippet above, we use the await operator to iterate over the asynchronous sequence of items returned by the GetPostAsync method. Each item in the sequence is asynchronously processed, and we can perform operations on each item as needed. In this example, we simply print each item to the console.

Advantages of async foreach

The async foreach loop provides several advantages when working with asynchronous data streams:

  1. Asynchronous Processing: The async foreach loop allows us to await each item in the sequence asynchronously. This is particularly useful when performing time-consuming or I/O-bound operations on each item, such as making HTTP requests, reading from a database, or performing calculations that require asynchronous processing.

  2. Efficiency: By asynchronously processing each item as it becomes available, the async foreach loop enables efficient use of system resources. It avoids blocking the execution thread, allowing other tasks to continue running while awaiting each item’s completion.

  3. Improved Responsiveness: When working with user interfaces or responsive applications, the async foreach loop helps maintain a smooth user experience. It ensures that the application remains responsive by not blocking the UI thread during lengthy or resource-intensive operations.

  4. Concurrency and Parallelism: The async foreach loop can be combined with parallel processing techniques, such as Task.WhenAll or Parallel.ForEach, to achieve concurrent or parallel execution of asynchronous operations. This can significantly improve performance when processing large amounts of data.

  5. Simplified Asynchronous Code: The async foreach loop simplifies the code structure by eliminating the need for explicit iteration variables and manual tracking of iteration indices. It promotes a more declarative and readable coding style when working with asynchronous sequences.


In this blog post, we explored how to await the foreach loop in C# using the async foreach feature. We discussed the advantages of using the async foreach loop, including asynchronous processing, efficiency, improved responsiveness, concurrency, and simplified asynchronous code. Consider using the async foreach loop when working with asynchronous data streams to leverage these benefits and write more robust and performant asynchronous code.

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