Dynamically-rendered ASP.NET Core Blazor components

In this blog post, I will show you how to load the blazor component dynamically.
Assume you have two components, ComOne and ComTwo in the component folders and there is a select list on the page. When user select the component from the select list selected component will be dynamically loaded and render on the page.


<button @onclick="Increment">Increment</button>

    private int count=0;
    private void Increment(){



<h1 style="color:red;">ComTwo</h1>


@page "/dynamic"
@using DotNetGuru.Pages.Components
@using System.Reflection

<h1>DotNet Guru</h1>
<select @onchange="LoadComponent">

    @foreach (var c in new[] {"Select Component", "ComOne", "ComTwo" })
<h6>Component Will Be Loaded Here</h6>

@code {
    private RenderFragment RenderFragment;

    private readonly List<ComponentBase> componentList = new List<ComponentBase> { new ComOne(), new ComTwo() };

    protected override void OnInitialized()
    public void LoadComponent(ChangeEventArgs e)
        RenderFragment = builder =>
            var currentComponent = FilterByType(typeof(ComponentBase), e.Value.ToString());
            if (currentComponent != null)
                builder.OpenComponent(0, currentComponent);
    public Type FilterByType(Type BaseType,string name)

        return Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes()
            .FirstOrDefault(t => BaseType.IsAssignableFrom(t) && t.Name == name);


In order to make demo simple I have already created a list of component as a string array in UI but you can scan the assembly and load the components.

Represents a segment of UI content, implemented as a delegate that writes the content to a RenderTreeBuilder.

Let’s understand the above code; most of the code is boilerplate. The only method related to the dynamic loading of components is LoadComponent. Blazor provides a powerful API RenderFragment delegate that rhat writes the content to a [RenderTreeBuilder]. In the following code, I am finding the component from the assembly, and then I am adding the component in RenderTree dynamically based on the type selected from the DropDown list

 public void LoadComponent(ChangeEventArgs e)
        RenderFragment = builder =>
            var currentComponent = FilterByType(typeof(ComponentBase), e.Value.ToString());
            if (currentComponent != null)
                builder.OpenComponent(0, currentComponent);
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