PowerShell Commands Every Developer Should Know
- Find the IP4 Address of your system.
- Get-Process Name From the PORT number
- Find Process Details by Name
- Kill process from the command line
- Find CPU Usage
- Download file from the server
- Make HttpRequest from Command Line
- Check Header Response
- Using the specified port, find the application’s process ID.
In this article, I will share the PowerShell command that I used every day in my development. Instead of going to google and search for the command, I keep this in my notepad. So, I will share these commands.
Find the IP4 Address of your system.
If you want to get the IPV4 address of your machine, you can use the following command. It’s convenient and practical.
Get-NetIPAddress -AddressFamily IPV4
Get-Process Name From the PORT number
While profiling the ASP.NET application, I need the port number of the application that my application is using. Use the following Powershell command to get the port number of your process/application.
Get-Process -Id (Get-NetTCPConnection -LocalPort YourPortNumberHere).OwningProcess
Find Process Details by Name
If you need the details of your process, like the port number the application is running or how much memory the application is using like this, you can use the following command to get the details of the process.
Get-Process | Where-Object {$_.Name -like 'chro*'}
Kill process from the command line
Every developer must know this command. If you face a problem with the application and want to close/kill the application, you can use the below command. In the below example, I am closing the notepad application.
Stop-Process -name notepad
Find CPU Usage
If you face the slowness of your system, you can use the below command to see which application is consuming your system resources. In the below command, I am listing the top 5 orders by their memory usage.
Get-Process | Sort WorkingSet -Descending | select -first 5 -Property ProcessName,ID | Format-Table -AutoSize
Download file from the server
Sometimes I need to download some file from the webserver. Instead of opening the browser and downloading the file, I prefer the curl command to download the file.
curl https://google.com -OutFile a.html
Make HttpRequest from Command Line
Sometimes I need to check server is responding or not. I used the following command.
curl https://google.com
Check Header Response
If you want to check the header details of any application, you can use the following curl command with the option -Head
curl https://google.com -Method Head
Using the specified port, find the application’s process ID.
Assume you are working on the application and you get the error that the port is already in use. You can get the process ID of the program using the following command.
netstat -ano | findStr "PORT_ID"