Understanding the LINQ GroupBy Operator in C#

Understanding the LINQ GroupBy Operator in C#

LINQ, or Language Integrated Query, is a powerful feature in C# that allows developers to query and manipulate data in a concise and expressive way. Among the many operators in LINQ, the GroupBy operator stands out as a versatile tool for grouping and aggregating data. Whether you’re working with simple collections or complex datasets, understanding how to use GroupBy can greatly enhance your data manipulation capabilities in C#. In this blog post, we’ll explore the GroupBy operator through both basic and advanced examples, allowing you to harness its full potential.

Section 1: Basic Example

In this section, we’ll cover the fundamentals of using the LINQ GroupBy operator with a simple example involving a list of employees and their departments.

Setting Up the Data

First, let’s create a custom Employee class to represent our data:

class Employee
    public int EmployeeId { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Department { get; set; }
    public decimal Salary { get; set; }

Now, we’ll define a list of employees with sample data:

List<Employee> GetEmployees()
	List<Employee> employees = new List<Employee>
		new Employee { EmployeeId = 1, Name = "John Doe", Department = "HR", Salary = 60000.0m },
		new Employee { EmployeeId = 2, Name = "Jane Smith", Department = "HR", Salary = 55000.0m },
		new Employee { EmployeeId = 3, Name = "Bob Johnson", Department = "Engineering", Salary = 75000.0m },
		new Employee { EmployeeId = 4, Name = "Alice Brown", Department = "Engineering", Salary = 80000.0m },
		new Employee { EmployeeId = 5, Name = "Eva Davis", Department = "Engineering", Salary = 78000.0m },
		new Employee { EmployeeId = 6, Name = "Mike Wilson", Department = "Sales", Salary = 62000.0m },
		new Employee { EmployeeId = 7, Name = "Sara Lee", Department = "Sales", Salary = 59000.0m },
		new Employee { EmployeeId = 8, Name = "David Clark", Department = "Finance", Salary = 68000.0m },
		new Employee { EmployeeId = 9, Name = "Anna White", Department = "Finance", Salary = 72000.0m },

	return employees;

This sets up the data source for our GroupBy operation.

Basic GroupBy Query

The basic syntax of the GroupBy operator involves grouping employees by their departments:

var departmentGroups = from employee in employees
                       group employee by employee.Department into deptGroup
                       select new { Department = deptGroup.Key, Employees = deptGroup.ToList() };

Here, we group employees by their Department, and we create an anonymous type that holds the Department key and a list of employees within each department.

Now, let’s iterate through the groups and display basic statistics like the number of employees in each department:

foreach (var group in departmentGroups)
    Console.WriteLine($"Department: {group.Department}");
    Console.WriteLine($"Employee Count: {group.Employees.Count}");

Section 2: Advanced Example

In this section, we’ll take the GroupBy operator to the next level by introducing advanced features and custom implementations.

Custom Grouping Class

Custom grouping classes offer benefits in terms of encapsulation and customization. Let’s introduce a custom DepartmentGroup class that implements the IGrouping<TKey, TElement> interface:

class DepartmentGroup : IGrouping<string, Employee>
	private readonly List<Employee> employees;
	private readonly Dictionary<string, decimal> cachedAverageSalaries;

	public DepartmentGroup(string department, List<Employee> employees)
		this.Key = department;
		this.employees = employees;
		this.cachedAverageSalaries = new Dictionary<string, decimal>();

	public string Key { get; private set; }

	public int EmployeeCount
		get { return employees.Count; }

	public decimal AverageSalary
			// Check if the average salary is already cached.
			if (cachedAverageSalaries.TryGetValue(Key, out var cachedValue))
				return cachedValue;

			// Calculate and cache the average salary.
			decimal averageSalary = employees.Average(e => e.Salary);
			cachedAverageSalaries[Key] = averageSalary;
			return averageSalary;

	public IEnumerable<Employee> GetTopPaidEmployees(int count)
		// Return the top-paid employees within this department.
		return employees.OrderByDescending(e => e.Salary).Take(count);

	System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
		return employees.GetEnumerator();

void Main()
	List<Employee> employees = GetEmployees(); // Custom method to fetch employees.

	var departmentGroups = from employee in employees
						   group employee by employee.Department into deptGroup
						   select new DepartmentGroup(deptGroup.Key, deptGroup.ToList());

	foreach (var group in departmentGroups)
		Console.WriteLine($"Department: {group.Key}");
		Console.WriteLine($"Employee Count: {group.EmployeeCount}");
		Console.WriteLine($"Average Salary: {group.AverageSalary:C}");

		Console.WriteLine("Top Paid Employees:");
		foreach (var employee in group.GetTopPaidEmployees(3))
			Console.WriteLine($"- {employee.Name}: {employee.Salary:C}");



Here, we’ve implemented caching and introduced custom methods for advanced calculations.

Caching and Aggregation

We’ve added caching within the custom grouping class to improve performance. Additionally, we’ve included advanced aggregation methods to calculate statistics like average salary within each department.


In conclusion, the LINQ GroupBy operator is a versatile tool that empowers C# developers to perform complex grouping and aggregation tasks with ease. Whether you’re working on basic data grouping or need advanced features like custom grouping classes and caching, GroupBy provides the flexibility and expressiveness required to manipulate your data efficiently.

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