How to convert DataSet to List
In this post, I am going to show you a very useful c# code snippet that converts DataSet to List.
public static List<T> ToCollection<T>(this DataTable dt)
List<T> lst = new List<T>();
Type tClass = typeof(T);
PropertyInfo[] pClass = tClass.GetProperties();
List<DataColumn> dc = dt.Columns.Cast<DataColumn>().ToList();
T cn;
foreach (DataRow item in dt.Rows)
cn = (T)Activator.CreateInstance(tClass);
foreach (PropertyInfo pc in pClass)
DataColumn d = dc.Find(c => c.ColumnName == pc.Name);
if (d != null)
if (item[pc.Name] != DBNull.Value)
pc.SetValue(cn, (item[pc.Name]), null);
return lst;