Compare Linq and Ruby Part1

Linq Where equivalent in Ruby

One of the most used (just guessing) LINQ methods would be Where(), in .NET allows you to provide a Lambda that is used to filter a collection of objects

 var ints = new[] {
  13, 42, 96, 2, 83
 var evens = ints.Where(x = > x % 2 == 0);
 foreach(int i in evens) {

And in Ruby, this functionality would be achieved with select.

ints = [13, 42, 96, 2, 83]
evens = { | x | x % 2 == 0 }
puts evens

Linq OrderBy expression equivalent in Ruby

To sort a set of elements in c# with Linq, we use OrderBy

var words = new[] {
 "Perl", "c#", "ruby", "java"
var ordered = words.OrderBy(x = > x);

And in Ruby, this functionality would be achieved with sort.

 words = ["Perl", "c#", "ruby", "java"] 
 ordered = words.sort 
 puts ordered

Linq Select expression equivalent in Ruby

In .NET, to convert a set of items to another set, one would use the Select() method. This method is also useful for creating projections of a collection, and the ruby equivalent is the map

words = % w {
 Hello World
shouting = { | x | x.upcase
puts shouting

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