1‏/6‏/2010 - 1‏/7‏/2010

Flash message using Jquery

In this article, I will show you how to flash message using Jquery . Let’s suppose you are posting some data and you want to flash a m...

santosh 20 يونيو, 2010

Programmatically creating scheduled task in Windows using C#

This code is about a fairly simple feature that I believe most software engineers encounter in their projects. I, too, have encountered ...

santosh 14 يونيو, 2010

How to shuffle a row in C#

In this post, I will show you how to shuffle the row of any collection in C#. In this post, I am using DataSet, but you can apply this log...

santosh 5 يونيو, 2010

Domain-Driven Design Explained

Domain-Driven Design (DDD) is an architectural approach and set of principles that focuses on building software systems that closely align...

santosh 5 يونيو, 2010