How To Create A Filebrowser in ASP

In this post, I will show you how to create a File Browser in ASP.NET.

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="FileBrowser.aspx.cs" Inherits="FileBrowser" %>  

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">  
<html xmlns="">  
<head runat="server">  
<title>Untitled Page</title>  
<form id="form1" runat="server">  
        <h1 class="boxes">  
            Files on the Server:  
            <asp:Literal ID="litLocation" runat="server" />  
        <asp:Panel ID="panFiles" runat="server" CssClass="boxes">  
            <asp:PlaceHolder ID="myPlaceHolder" runat="server" />  
        <asp:Panel ID="Panel1" runat="server" CssClass="boxes">  
            <asp:TextBox ID="txtFolder" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>  
            <asp:Button ID="btnNewFolder" runat="server" Text="Create New Folder" OnClick="btnNewFolder_Click" />  
        <asp:Panel ID="panUpload" runat="server" CssClass="boxes">  
            Choose a file to upload to the server<br />  
            <asp:FileUpload ID="fupTest" runat="server" Width="400px" />  
            <br />  
            <asp:Button ID="btnUpload" runat="server" Text="Upload File" OnClick="btnUpload_Click" />  
                <asp:Label ID="labMessage" runat="server"></asp:Label>  
using System;  
using System.Data;  
using System.Configuration;  
using System.Collections;  
using System.Web;  
using System.Web.Security;  
using System.Web.UI;  
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;  
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;  
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;  
using System.IO;  
public partial class FileBrowser : System.Web.UI.Page  
   protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)  
       string currentRoot = RetrievePathOfFolderToDisplay();  
       litLocation.Text = currentRoot;  
   /// <summary>  
   /// Displays the content of the specified folder.  
   /// </summary>  
   private void GenerateListing(string rootpath)  
       // First clear out the place holder  
       // Calculate the path to retrieve folders + files  
       string path = Server.MapPath("") + "/" + rootpath;  
       // Make the "go up a level" link if needed  
       // Get a list of all folders  
       DirectoryInfo dirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(path);  
       DirectoryInfo[] folders = dirInfo.GetDirectories();  
       // Loop through each folder and display it  
       foreach (DirectoryInfo folder in folders)  
           DisplayFolder(folder, rootpath);  
       // Get a list of all the files in current path  
       FileInfo[] files = dirInfo.GetFiles();  
       // Loop through each file  
       foreach (FileInfo file in files)  
           DisplayFile(file, rootpath);  
   /// <summary>  
   /// Retrieves the path of the folder to be displayed  
   /// </summary>  
   private string RetrievePathOfFolderToDisplay()  
       string localpath = Request.QueryString["local"];  
       // If no query string, use uploads folder as the root  
       if (localpath == null)  
           return "uploads";  
           // Remove the URL encoding necessary for  
           // the querystring  
           return Server.UrlDecode(localpath);  
   /// <summary>  
   /// Displays the appropriate controls for the passed folder  
   /// </summary>  
   private void DisplayFolder(DirectoryInfo folder, string rootpath)  
       // Get the folder name without the path  
       string shortfolder = Path.GetFileName(folder.FullName);  
       // Add a folder icon  
       Image img = new Image();  
       img.ImageUrl = "images/mime_folder.png";  
       // Add a nonbreakable space  
       LiteralControl space1 = new LiteralControl("&nbsp;");  
       // Add a link to the folder so user can display it  
       HyperLink lnk = new HyperLink();  
       lnk.Text = shortfolder;  
       // The link for the folder must pass the folder name.  
       // Because the folder name may contain characters that are  
       // not allowed in a querystring, we must URL encode it  
       lnk.NavigateUrl = "FileBrowser.aspx?local=" +  
       Server.UrlEncode(rootpath + "/" + shortfolder);  
       // Add a line break  
       LiteralControl br1 = new LiteralControl("<br/>");  
   /// <summary>  
   /// Displays the appropriate controls for the passed file  
   /// </summary>  
   private void DisplayFile(FileInfo file, string rootpath)  
   {// Get the filename without the path  
       string shortname = Path.GetFileName(file.FullName);  
       // Add a file icon  
       Image img = new Image();  
       img.ImageUrl = GetIconForExtension(file);  
       // Add a nonbreakable space  
       LiteralControl space2 = new LiteralControl("&nbsp;");  
       // Add a link to the file so user can download/view it  
       HyperLink lnk = new HyperLink();  
       lnk.Text = shortname;  
       lnk.NavigateUrl = Server.UrlDecode(rootpath) + "/" +  
       // Add the file size in kb  
       long kb = file.Length / 1000;  
       LiteralControl size = new LiteralControl(" [" + kb +  
       " KB]");  
       // Add a line break  
       LiteralControl br2 = new LiteralControl("<br/>");  
   /// <summary>  
   /// Returns the filename of the appropriate icon image file  
   /// based on the extension of the passed file  
   /// </summary>  
   private string GetIconForExtension(FileInfo file)  
       string image = "images/";  
       string ext = Path.GetExtension(file.FullName).ToLower();  
       if (ext == ".txt")  
           image += "mime_text.png";  
       else if (ext == ".doc")  
           image += "mime_doc.png";  
       else if (ext == ".pdf")  
           image += "mime_pdf.png";  
       else if (ext == ".gif" || ext == ".jpg" || ext == ".wmf")  
           image += "mime_image.gif";  
       else if (ext == ".html" || ext == ".htm")  
           image += "mime_html.gif";  
           image += "mime_unknown.png";  
       return image;  
   /// <summary>  
   /// Makes the "go up a level" link (if needed for the  
   /// current folder) and adds it to the place holder  
   /// </summary>  
   private void MakeUpOneLevelLink(string currentFolder)  
       // Get the previous folder (the next one "up" in  
       // the hierarchy)  
       string previousFolder = GetPreviousFolder(currentFolder);  
       // If there is a previous path, add a link to  
       // place holder  
       if (previousFolder != "")  
           Image imgBack = new Image();  
           imgBack.ImageUrl = "images/mime_folder.gif";  
           HyperLink lnkBack = new HyperLink();  
           lnkBack.Text = "..";  
           lnkBack.NavigateUrl = "FileBrowser.aspx?local=" +  
           LiteralControl br = new LiteralControl("<br/>");  
   /// <summary>  
   /// Gets the previous folder (the next one "up" in the file  
   /// system hierarchy) from the passed path.  
   /// If there was no previous folder, return an  
   /// empty string  
   /// </summary>  
   private string GetPreviousFolder(string path)  
       int posOfLastSlash = path.LastIndexOf("/");  
       if (posOfLastSlash < 0)  
           return "";  
       string stripped = path.Remove(posOfLastSlash);  
       return stripped;  
   /// <summary>  
   /// Event handler for the upload button for the FileUploader  
   /// </summary>  
   protected void btnUpload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)  
       // The location for the uploaded file is current path  
       string path = RetrievePathOfFolderToDisplay();  
       if (fupTest.HasFile)  
           string fullname = Server.MapPath(path + "/" +  
           if (System.IO.File.Exists(fullname))  
               labMessage.Text =  
               "File already exists - uploaded cancelled";  
               labMessage.Text = "File successfully uploaded";  
               // Recreate the file listing to show the  
               // uploaded file  
           labMessage.Text = "File was not specified";  
   /// <summary>  
   /// Event handler for the create new folder button  
   /// </summary>  
   protected void btnNewFolder_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)  
       // Get the location for the new folder  
       string folderLocation = RetrievePathOfFolderToDisplay();  
       string fullPath = Server.MapPath(folderLocation) + "/" +  
       // Create the folder on the server  
       // Recreate the file listing to show the new folder  
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