Update Panel Enables sections of a page to be partially rendered without a postback. creating an alert when you are using an UpdatePanel is slightly different, but simpler than you might think - you just need to make sure…
How To Create TextBox Control Dynamically at Runtime In this post, I will show how to create Textbox Control dynamically and read their value. < %@ Page Language = " C# " AutoEventWireup = " true "…
Recently I was working on one of my projects and the requirement was to generate a treeview from the table. The problem was complex and after some research, I found that we can use asp.net Treeview control. I created a store…
If you need to alert a user that his session will time out. This is how to do it. Add the following code snippet to the OnInit method on the base page of your application. protected override void OnInit ( EventArgs e ) …
We can call page methods (static methods declared in the scope of asp.net page) using the MS Ajax framework for ASP.NET . That is how can we do it Drop ScriptManager control on page Set EnablePageMethods property of Sc…
I will share a straightforward way to convert XmlTextWriter to string in C# in this post. Check out the following code snippet it's self-explanatory public string CreateXML ( string strAuth , string strTran , stri…
This error message mostly comes up when you try to access a file that is opened by another process . You may open an image file in one of your forms in a PictureBox using ImageFromFile or something. I mostly use a memory st…
As per the Microsoft, ASP.NET is:- ASP.NET is an open-source, server-side web application framework designed for web development to produce dynamic web pages. It was developed by Microsoft to allow programmers to build dy…