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Find the nth highest salary using LINQ

In this article, I will show how to find nth highest salary using LINQ. This is a very popular SQL interview question. The purpose of th...

santosh 27 Apr, 2020

Perform Inner Join in Linq using C#

In relational database terms, an inner join produces a result set in which each element of the first collection appears one time for e...

santosh 27 Apr, 2020

Performing Left Outer Join using LINQ to SQL

LINQ (Language Integrated Query) is a powerful feature of C# that allows developers to write code in a query-like syntax. While LINQ provi...

santosh 27 Apr, 2020

How To open multiple files in Visual Studio Code

Visual studio code is a trendy free code editor from Microsoft. Visual Studio supports a lot of productive features like auto import, s...

santosh 27 Apr, 2020

Vscode Rename Or Change All Instances Of a Variable Everywhere

Visual Studio Code, a popular and free code editor from Microsoft, offers a plethora of productive features such as auto-import, syntax h...

santosh 27 Apr, 2020

Tips for debugging JavaScript with Console

The developer always used Google chrome console.log features for debugging their code. In this post, I will share some cool tips about c...

santosh 24 Apr, 2020

What is JIT and AOT compilation in angular

TL;DR: Understanding JIT and AOT Compilation in Angular Angular is a popular web framework for building Single Page Applications (SPAs) and...

santosh 19 Apr, 2020

When to use tap the operator in Angular?

RxJS (Reactive Extensions for JavaScript) is a library for reactive programming using observables that makes it easier to compose asyn...

santosh 19 Apr, 2020

What is safe navigation operator in Angular?

What is a safe navigation operator in Angular? The Safe Navigation Operator is also known as the “ Elvis Operator ”. This operator is v...

santosh 19 Apr, 2020

What is template referece in Anulgar

What is template referece in Anulgar? Angular allows creating a reference of DOM element in template By doing this you can reference this v...

santosh 19 Apr, 2020

What is Renderer2 in Angular?

Exploring Angular Renderer2: Enhancing Performance and Manipulating Elements If you’re working with Angular, understanding Renderer2 is cru...

santosh 19 Apr, 2020

What is Observable and How it is different from Promise.

What is Observable and How it is different from Promise. In this blog post, I will discuss Observable and Promise and their differences ...

santosh 19 Apr, 2020

What is Directive in Angular?

The directive is a function that executes whenever the Angular compiler finds it in the DOM. There are two types of directives in Angular....

santosh 19 Apr, 2020

WCF Tutorial Change default binding

In this video tutorial, I will show you how to change the default binding in WCF 4.0. WCF is a unified framework for creating SOA based appl...

santosh 18 Apr, 2020

How to run some code outside Angular

The most common use of this service is to optimize performance when starting a work consisting of one or more asynchronous tasks that don’...

santosh 18 Apr, 2020

What is dependency injection in Angular?

What is dependency injection in Angular? Angular is a standard web framework for developing SPA(Single Page Application) and Native applicat...

santosh 18 Apr, 2020

What are the main components of Angular

What are the main components of Angular The main building blocks of Angular are Module Components Template Metadata Binding Directive...

santosh 18 Apr, 2020

What are the lifecycle hooks event in Angular?

What are the lifecycle hooks event in Angular? When the angular application runs, it goes through a different life cycle. Following are th...

santosh 14 Apr, 2020

Automatically Subscribe and Unsubscribe an Observable in Angular

How to auomatically subscribe and unsubscribe an Observable in Angular There are several ways to unsubscribe the Observable in Angular bu...

santosh 14 Apr, 2020

How to convert Promise to Observable in Angular

How to convert Promise to Observable in Angular A promise is a future value. An observable is a flow of past and future values. So it make...

santosh 14 Apr, 2020

How to trigger change detection manually in Angular

How to trigger change detection manually in Angular If you want to trigger the Angular change detection manually, then you can use ChangeDec...

santosh 14 Apr, 2020

Does angular template supports if else?

Does angular template supports if else Yes. New Version of Angular framework support if else Let’s take an example. In the following...

santosh 14 Apr, 2020

What is NgZone service in Angular

What is **NgZone** service? How Angular is notified about the changes? Zone.js is one of the Angular dependencies which provi...

santosh 14 Apr, 2020

How to make REST call in angular

How to make REST API call in Angular First import HttpClientModule in your main module Second Inject HttpClient in your constru...

santosh 14 Apr, 2020

What is content projection in Angular and How to use it?

What is a content project in Angular? Content projection allows you to insert a shadow DOM in your component. To put it simply, if you w...

santosh 14 Apr, 2020

What is elementRef in Angular?

ElementRef According to the official documentation, Angular ElementRef serves as a wrapper around a native element within a View. It provi...

santosh 14 Apr, 2020

What is input and output Decorator and there use in angular

What is @Input and @Output decorator in Angular They are a mechanism to send/receive data from one component to another. @Input is used...

santosh 14 Apr, 2020

What is decorator in Angular?

What is a decorator in Angular? Decorator is a declarative way of providing metadata information to typescript compiler. It is declared...

santosh 14 Apr, 2020