عرض المشاركات من أبريل, ٢٠٠٨

How to detect browser closing and navigating to some other page

Let’s suppose on your website you have a form. When the user fills the form and navigates to a different URL location, you want to warn the user that you will lose your form data. Check out the following code. < ! DOCTYPE HTM…

Using a Class Factory to Create Objects— Single Factory

using System ; using System . Collections . Generic ; using System . Text ; namespace SampleFactoryClass { public interface IApparel // Interface representing product { string ShowMe ( ) ; // Prop…

How To Insert A New Row In GridView-ASP.NET

In this article, I will show you how to insert a record in ASP.NET GridView Control with a complete example < %@ Page Language = " C# " AutoEventWireup = " true " CodeFile = " InsertRowInGridVie…

Cancel async function javascript

When using XMLHttprequest or other async functions in JavaScript, we may want to cancel them at times. Asynchronous tasks can be aborted in a variety of ways in JavaScript. We’ll look at how to use the ASP.NET  ajax toolkit…

How to Raise Events for FILEUPLOAD Control

ASP.NET is an open-source, server-side web application framework designed for web development to produce dynamic web pages. Microsoft developed it to allow programmers to build active websites, applications and services. Wikipe…

How To Add Column Summary In GridView

< %@ Page Language = " C# " AutoEventWireup = " true " CodeFile = " DisplayColumnSummery.aspx.cs " Inherits = " DisplayColumnSummery " % > <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC &…

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